Many professional athletes practice visualization, which means picturing themselves going through the motions to achieve a certain goal — complete with sounds, colors, tastes and smells — and have seen it pay off big time. It really works. What you can conceive in your soul and create in your mind, you WILL EXPERIENCE with your body! During my years as a professional athlete, I spent 10 minutes a day visualizing and looking at my body the way I wanted it to look and feel, the result that I mentally conceived in the visualization were experienced in my training sessions, making them tremendously intensive and effective. Now, whenever I work out, I close my eyes and visualize whatever I wish to accomplish in my workouts.
How to Visualize
Close your eyes and visualize your body being fit, beautiful, full of energy and strength, see yourself looking and feeling as you want your body to feel and look. Make the picture as detailed and vivid as you possibly can. What do you look like? How does it feel? The more vivid you’re able to make your visualization, the more powerful it will be.
It may take a while for you to feel completely comfortable doing this. At first the images may not be entirely clear. That’s okay, because the more you practice the clearer they will become. Try to picture the same images every day, adding more detail as you become more familiar with the process. Think of yourself as the lead actor in a movie you are projecting on the screen of your mind. Make sure that when you are doing this, you give an Oscar-winning performance!
This article or post is not intended to provide individual advice which should be obtained directly from your health care professional.
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