Thursday, September 23, 2010

Expressing Anger

Anger is neither good nor bad; anger is just another one of our human emotions, alongside sadness, love, fear, hurt, etc. We have often convinced ourselves however, that anger is a big no-no, that if we feel anger then we are doing something “wrong.” But it is not wrong to feel anger – it let us know when we (or those we love) are being mistreated or when needs are not being met. It can, however, be hurtful to ourselves to not let go of the anger – unexpressed anger can lead to resentments or depression and might block our lives with feelings from the past that don’t apply to the present. When I am living in the present, though, anger is the radar that helps me recognize more fully when my needs are not being met. Although anger may still be uncomfortable, I am now open to the message it brings.

This article or post is not intended to provide individual advice which should be obtained directly from your health care professional.

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