Friday, September 17, 2010

Meditation as a Strong Wellness Tool

“The experience which you gain during meditation should offer some help while you’re working or being involved in your job. There is no point in separating these things.”

- His Excellency the Dalai Lama

I was introduced to meditation about 10 years ago by who I call my spiritual mentor; Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, author of seven successful books. It is a fact that my own parents knew meditation in a more traditional way such as prayer, so I was somehow meditating since I was a little boy. My connection with God has always been a constant meditative way to manifest everything I’ve experienced. Dr. Dharma has never tried to force me into meditation, what he did instead is educate and teach me the benefits of mediation and in turn I taught him how to workout, a fair bargain don’t you think. Here I am now after truly practicing and teaching meditation as it pertains to fitness, which is why I included it in my book Mind Over Body: The Key To Lasting Weight Loss Is All In your Head! It is my responsibility and duty to tell you what my perception of meditation has been and still are today. Meditation has allowed me to move away from the material world and the body image obsession. It allowed me to identify the channel in which I was connected to the Universe. It allowed my state of awareness to develop and to accept and live one heart beat at a time. When people ask me to describe meditation, I just give them the following explanation: “Meditation is like the Champs Elise Avenue in Paris, France. Twenty years ago the avenue was so narrow that it was a nightmare for traffic, (if you’ve seen the movie National Lampoon: European Vacation with Chevy Chase you probably know what I mean) then the government decide to rebuild the avenue by making it wider so traffic would be more flowing; that is exactly what meditation does; it widen your state of awareness so your own “thought” process is less jammed and allow you to think more clearly and therefore deal more efficiently with every day life’s challenges. Meditation as a pillar of wellness has made it easier, for thousands of my clients, to access their inner self, accept who they are, how they wanted to feel and achieve extraordinary results.

Benefits of meditation:

  • Allows the connection between body and mind
  • Widen your state of awareness
  • Reduces cortisol level by reducing stress
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Helps with depression
  • Helps with focus

This article or post is not intended to provide individual advice which should be obtained directly from your health care professional.

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