Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Should I Eat After of Before a Workout?

Never sit down to a full meal immediately before or after a workout. That doesn't mean you should eat nothing, just make it light. You don't want a lot of food in your stomach when you are trying to work out. Afterwards, you want to give your body ample time to recover before you consume a full meal. If you are trying to digest a big meal, both your stomach and muscles will be fighting for blood supply. The end result is that your heart will be working twice as hard to send nutrients to the muscles and the stomach. If you eat too heavily before, you experience the unpleasant sensation of indigestion or may end up sick. You are better off training on a somewhat empty stomach. Try a piece of fruit or half a bagel for energy. Remember, it isn't what you ate an hour before that sustains your energy level. It's what and how you have been eating or drinking the previous few days.

This article or post is not intended to provide individual advice which should be obtained directly from your health care professional.

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