Friday, November 19, 2010

I have heard if I stop Weight Training, All My Muscles Will Turn into Fat

People still believe this myth. When you stop working out, your muscles start to atrophy or decrease in size. When muscles shrink, metabolism goes down and you are burning fewer calories in your resting state. If you've been used to eating 2.OOO calories a day while you lifted, continue the level without the calorie-burning of the muscles and you will need to do something with the excess calories. Bad news — the excess goes on the body as fat, which is placed around the atrophied muscle. The appearance is that your muscle has turned to flab. It is an illusion. Muscle can't turn into fat or vice versa any more than an apple can turn into an orange.

This article or post is not intended to provide individual advice which should be obtained directly from your health care professional.

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