Friday, August 10, 2007

More Q & A From Brave Mothers has asked me a few questions during my blogger book tour for my new book, Mind Over Body, which I answered below.

1- There's been a recent movement towards the concepts of visualization and positive thinking, and mind over body as in your book. Opponents have claimed that these concepts have a "blame the victim" mentality. How can you differentiate between the two?

Re: Positive thinking...basically, one has a choice to either think "positive" or "negative", and you can only think one thought at a time. Choosing to think the positive thought will allow your day to run much more effectively - by keeping a positive attitude flowing throughout the day despite everyday challenges. Choosing to think the negativethought will also snowball throughout your day and make it much more difficult to handle the same challenges until you choose to think differently. Mentally and physically you can feel the effects.

Visualization is about clarity and concentration - you achieve your goals faster by focusing on what you want, which causes you to take actions that move you towards them.

Both are necessary to one's overall well-being.

2-There are so many fad diets and weight loss programs that exist, and people have tried so many of them at various times of their lives. If someone follows your methods of changing their lives to improve their health, will they have to keep working as hard to maintain these aspects as part of their lives, or do they at some point, become second nature?

Once the habit is changed it becomes a part of you; second nature. It takes consistency - about 21 days - to truly change a habit. Ultimately though, you will not think of it as working hard but rather of being whatever YOU choose to BE, DO or HAVE.

3-Do you believe that people can overcome serious health problems, such as disease, by embracing your methodology of mind over body?

You certainly overcome the horrible feeling attached to the constant negative thinking attributed to the dis-ease. It is scientifically proven that meditation, prayer, visualization and affirmation have helped people battling cancer. This has been true for thousands of years.

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