Wednesday, December 12, 2007

When Holiday Tips Fall Short

Another day another article on Holiday weight loss tips. Have you ever wondered why everyone you know still gains weight this time of year - despite the fact that Holiday weight loss tips are passed around in greater numbers than Christmas cookies?

Don't get me wrong - weight loss tips are great. I love to find creative ways to cut calories and increase activity during the most fattening time of the year. In fact, here are 10 great tips that will prevent you from gaining weight over the holidays:

  1. Limit your intake of calorie laden beverages. Eggnog, champagne, mochas, and hot chocolate all have one thing in common: they are packed with empty calories - avoid these beverages and load up on water instead.
  2. Officially schedule exercise into your calendar. It's just too easy to let workouts slide this time of year - make a commitment to exercise and keep it.
  3. Forego the goodie making. By keeping your home free from Holiday treats you will undoubtedly gain fewer pounds. However, if you simply have to make those Christmas cookies then chew gum during the baking process to prevent snacking.
  4. Have fun being active. Winter is a great time to burn calories outdoors. Go skiing for a day or take the kids sledding. No snow in sight? No problem - take a brisk bike ride or power walk through the mall.
  5. Use healthy ingredients. Your Holiday meal will taste even better when you seek out fresh, organic and low fat ingredients - and you'll feel better too.
  6. Learn to compromise. Dying to have that peppermint mocha? Go ahead - but have it with nonfat milk and pass on the whipped cream.
  7. Don't go hungry. The Holidays are a dangerous time for your metabolism. Focus on eating small balanced meals every few hours to keep your metabolism going strong.
  8. Enjoy a sample. No one says you have to completely avoid the appetizers and desserts at your Holiday party - just enjoy in moderation.
  9. Focus on family not food. Let's face it, this time of year is big on two things: family and food. Make an effort to place your focus primarily on your family.
  10. Stick to your strategy. The best way to gain weight over the Holidays is to approach them without a plan. Using the above tips, write down the ways in which you plan to avoid weight gain this year - then periodically check up on yourself.

The truth is that if you follow these tips you will see a drop in Holiday pounds and you may even lose a pound or two...but don't expect to reshape your figure with them.

Let's be honest, you want to lose more than a pound or two. You want to lose all of those extra pounds while reshaping your body. Simply avoiding certain foods or burning a few extra calories won't produce the breathtaking results that you crave.

Here's the bottom line: To transform your body you must know what you trully desire and you must commit to that desire then and only then you can introduce new and challenging exercise to your routine.

You may feel that the secret to achieving weight loss is just that - a secret. A mystery. You try, and try, and try but your goals are never met. Your dream body continues to stay out of reach.

In my experience the people who are unable to lose weight aren't failing due to laziness. In fact, those frustrated with their weight often put in a lot of effort - but on the wrong things. They emphasis on the practical stuff, they never trully take the time to make the connection between their body and their mind in order to find what they trully desire.

You try a new fad diet. The latest exercise gizmo. An ineffective routine at the gym. It's not that you aren't willing to put in the effort - you're just doing the wrong're just thinking the wrong way.Think about this for a moment...

What if 2008 was the year that you took control of your body? The year that you threw your fat clothes away...the year that you were proud to put on a bathing suit…the year that your doctor congratulated you on your improved health...the year that your family and friends - and that special someone - showered you with compliments.

It's possible. Even more possible than you think.The thing is that you need to direct your effort in an effective way. It all comes back to introducing a new focus, an new approach, a new aspect on life and of course challenging exercises into your routine.

This is where I come in. You see, for me weight loss isn't a mystery. It's my passion. I have a proven method that will dramatically transform your body into one that you are proud to be seen in. However, I can't promise that it will be easy, I'm just saying IT WILL BE EASIER!

You'll work hard but it will be quick, you'll sweat and you'll even feel sore. And before you know it you will be telling everyone you know about the amazing results you've achieved.In this season of gift giving don't miss the opportunity to give yourself the gift that you really want – a new strong desire to be fit, a new body. A tight body. A stronger body. A healthier body.

Get a copy of my new book Mind Over Body: The Key To Lasting Weight Loss Is All In Your Head!

Contact me and start your transformation!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Will You Make It Through The Holiday Season

I love this time of year-don't you? The holiday season gains momentum in a flurry of parties and festivities as each day brings us closer to the New Year. However, there is a downside...
We have officially entered the 'Season of Excuses.'

That's right, even the most dedicated fitness enthusiast will skip workouts and eat too much junk this month. Because it's Christmas, after all...

Be aware that excuses quickly turn into a slippery slope. You miss one workout this week and then two next week, before you know it you haven't exercised for a month. Once you fall out of your routine it will take focused effort to get back on track.

Here are the more popular excuses...maybe they sound familiar:

I Don't Have Time: Holiday parties, shopping trips, and house guests all seem like valid excuses as to why you can't exercise today, but don't believe it. The fact is that you can find the time to exercise, even in the busiest season of the year. Simply sit down and schedule exercise time into your calendar.

I Don't Have Anyone to Exercise With: Your spouse or friend committed to exercise with you three times a week, only to quit a week later. Now you are left to workout on your own...or to quit right along with them. Let's be honest, the easy thing to do is to quit rather than face the gym alone, but where does that leave you? Right back where you started-out of shape and unhappy with your body. Don't let someone else's laziness get in the way of your success.
Another Day Won't Make a Difference: By skipping your workout today you may not wake up one size larger tomorrow, but you also won't wake up in better shape. The fact is that your current body and health are the direct result of all the little choices that you make each day. Resolve to make each choice a healthy one, and watch how your body and health are transformed.

I'll Never Reach My Goals Anyway: It's been years since you've been in shape and the number on the scale is so large that you don't even know how long it would take to lose it all. It's easy to give up when the task at hand is overwhelming. However, I am here to tell you that you can do it. What you are facing is simply a fear of failure. What if you start exercising only to gain it all back? What if you don't have what it takes to lose the weight? Remember this: You only fail when you allow excuses to stop your progress.

Examine the why: An important step in conquering your excuses is to determine their source. Are the holidays to blame or is there a deeper issue at hand? Excuses are often an indication of lowered motivation. Have you forgotten your reasons for getting fit? Another common reason is boredom. Have your workouts gotten stale?

Conquer each excuse: Don't let excuses derail your goals any longer. Use these three tips and get the results that you deserve:

Focus on the benefits. We all need a reminder every now and then as to why we started exercising in the first place. Make a list of the benefits you enjoy most and read them before your workout.

Keep it interesting. Do you do the same thing over and over? No wonder you've started to come up with excuses. Throw your old routine out the window and try something totally new. Always keep your routine fresh-it will give you something to look forward to.

Treat yourself to Personal Training or Personal Coaching. Sometimes a little help goes a long way. All of my personal training programs are designed with one goal in mind: to get you in the best shape of your life as quickly as possible.

Don't wait another day-contact me today to get started on the right fitness program for you. Together we will get you the results that you deserve.